It’s Pancake Day!!! Why not make a giant pancake?!

So here it is again, Shrove Tuesday. Pancake day is always fun, rummaging through the cupboards finding ingredients that need used up before Lent. It’s a great day to encourage children to cook and bake and it even provides entertainment when it comes to flipping them over.

Pancakes with lemon curd

Pancakes with lemon curd

Lent for me signals the end of sweet food. So blog followers, say goodbye to sweet baking recipes for the next month and a bit. I don’t eat chocolate, sweets, cakes, biscuits and desserts. I’m not gonna lie, it’s tough. Pancake Day for me is time to have that one last sweet treat.

Personally, I’m not a fan of the French crepe. Whilst they are lovely, they are almost certainly too thin and are gone in a matter of moments. I prefer to make Scotch pancakes- giant Scotch pancakes. They are so delicious and can be served with a range of toppings.

Giant Scotch pancakes

Giant Scotch pancakes

I must admit that I get annoyed when I see those bottles of pre-made pancake batter mix in the supermarket in the run up to Shrove Tuesday. It’s not difficult to make pancake batter at all! Here is a traditional Scotch pancake recipe to help you this Pancake Day!

Scotch Pancakes

pancakes with sugar and lemon curd

Pancakes with sugar and lemon curd

What you need
100g self raising flour
pinch of salt
50g caster sugar
1 egg
milk to mix (60ml)

1) Mix flour, salt and sugar. Add the egg and gradually beat in milk to make a thick batter.

pancake batter

pancake batter

2) Bake two or three at a time by dropping spoonfuls onto a hot, well greased pan. Or, bake a huge pancake by ladling a big spoonful onto the pan.

spoon small circles in a greased pan for small pancakes

spoon small circles in a greased pan for small pancakes

3) Cook until the underside is golden brown and the top is covered with bubbles. Take a fish slice, turn your pancake and cook until brown on the other side.

turned pancakes

turned pancakes

small scotch pancakes

small scotch pancakes


4) Serve with toppings of your own choice. I like to serve mine with lemon and sugar or with a spoonful of jam or lemon curd.

pancakes can be eaten with a range of toppings

pancakes can be eaten with a range of toppings

About atasteofcumbria

I am a real foody! I have a great passion for food. I am obsessed with collecting new recipes to try out and experimenting with my own recipes. I enjoy visiting restaurants and critiquing my dining experiences.
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1 Response to It’s Pancake Day!!! Why not make a giant pancake?!

  1. Marthafied says:

    Giant pancakes are jut my thing!….lol! I also love them with savoury fillings, I sometimes do them with mince meat and cheese!! (filling that is not the actual pancakes).

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